Computer Ethics

Ethics is behavior relating to moral principles or moral values. It can also be referred to as the
principles that influence the right or wrong conduct of a person.

Computer Ethics is the right use of ICT tools in relation to moral principles. It is essential to know the right and wrong use of computers in order to apply a certain level of responsibility while using them. Every Computer User comes across a lot of situations that require them to make the right decision.

Good ethics to employ while using the computer or the Internet include but not limited to:
·         Learning online by partaking in online courses.
·         Creating blogs to better the lives of others.
·         Using the Internet for research works.
·         Deciding not to access documents that you do not have the legitimate right to view.
·         Deciding not to use ICT tools at the office for personal projects.
·         Not retrieving information about other people without their permission.
·         Declining offers for free copies of downloaded movies or songs.
·        Avoiding the act of uploading pictures of your friends on social media platforms without their permission.
·         Not using the computer or other ICT tools to view other people’s emails or web surfing history.
·         Using ICT to do calculations and data analysis.

Unethical behaviors and practices to avoid also include but are not limited to:
·       The use of the Internet to view pornographic materials
·        Creation of computer viruses to harm other people’s computers.
·         Accessing credit card information to defraud people.
·         Distribution of unwanted messages.
·         Downloading movies and songs.
·         Uploading pictures of people onto your social media platforms without their permission.
·         Using the computer or other ICT tools to view other people’s emails or web surfing history.

Being responsible computer users contribute immensely to our development, and reputation, which benefits our society as a whole.


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